Quotations from Régis Debray in the English language
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Here are some well-known quotes from Régis Debray, updated on Tuesday, May 14, 2024.
« Well-being regained its rights, which introduced me to the classic distribution of roles in these crusades over and over again. The military promises the moon, the ministers walk the Beijing, the gazettes follow suit, and we all applaud in rhythm, with good heart. The number likes, the audience drools, and we start again. Suez, Algiers, Baghdad, Kabul, Tripoli, tomorrow the sequel. »
Régis Debray
Mrs. H.
Régis Debray
Mrs. H.
« The great advantage of Western political thought is that it is never frozen in cement and sometimes knows how to evolve. She remains the daughter of Liberty. When the American electorate realized that George W. Bush's Near Eastern politics was leading to a stalemate, he changed course to 180 degrees to entrust the executive to Barack Obama, the exact opposite of his predecessor. »
Régis Debray
What is left of the West?
Régis Debray
What is left of the West?
« (...) The mountain where God lives, the predestined site of unity and the pinnacle of the score, where five hundred video cameras nestled under the roofs keep an eye on the children of Abraham? A message of universal love whose followers work to hate the neighbor and cousin? You can't just moralize. Where the black face of a god of light is discovered in the open, it is better to put the chromo aside, and the preaching-preacha, to face the real - metal barriers, barbed wire and fortified terraces. Strange: the boundary of the Infinite. The residence of the Unlimited converted into a closure paradise where the struggle to occupy every inch of land is every minute. Jerusalem: a city where we don't talk to each other, where we don't even see each other from one neighbourhood to another; where the concern of the break, between the four smaller ones who share the city (Jewish, Christian, Armenian and Muslim) is the most obsessive. If the Lord stood upstream of his tribes, the good understanding would reign between those who pray to him in churches, in mosques and in the Wailing Wall (...) "Jerusalem Syndrome," pp.139, 140. »
Régis Debray
God, a route
Régis Debray
God, a route
Or let yourself be tempted by the...
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