Quotations from Régis Debray in the English language
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Here are some well-known quotes from Régis Debray, updated on Tuesday, May 14, 2024.
« The more zin-zin, the better. This would be the moral of this immoral fable - flowering of spiritual and thaumaturgic sects, decrepitude of secular sects of the same age. Stamped they were, our utopian socialists, these sweet, unarmed prophets (in which Marx was not wrong). But not enough. Between John Smith, an alcoholic psychopath, and Fourier, a sober neurotic, posterity has decided. Mormons 'and co.' fart health, and do 'big business'. Fourier and son is in depression and passes theses. »
Régis Debray
The Sacred Fire
Régis Debray
The Sacred Fire
« Our late modernity recalls in many ways the Late Antiquity, so rich in eroticism, exoticism, syncretism, effusions, sects and mysteries from the deep East. More than in their country of origin, spirituality has the wind in our sails. They offer meaning at a discount and without commitment on our part, as at the head of the client (who will expect from a paid internship in the Dordogne that he transfuse in six days what has produced in the distance the work of the centuries). And in contrast to these inner walks, we see the prosperity of quasi-religions without spirituality (which does not mean without moral values), as today the globalized cult of sport, or the right-of-hommist creed, or even in the past, communism, this brief Islam of the modern West. These imitation religions without a third dimension, with a short shot, have less lift than the holders of the title, but if the holder falters, they can always provide a replacement - summon the crowds, galvanize energies, sew identities. »
Régis Debray
The Sacred Fire
Régis Debray
The Sacred Fire
« To counter nothingness, the species has always taken the right side, that of illusion. If we are to speak out against it, it is because, under its half-scout, half-luronne, half-evangelical, half-libertarian appearances, it announces a breath of air and guarantees a rat hole. »
Régis Debray
Praise for borders
Régis Debray
Praise for borders
Or let yourself be tempted by the...
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