Quotations from Régis Debray in the English language
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Here are some well-known quotes from Régis Debray, updated on Tuesday, May 14, 2024.
« Should we give thanks to the positive religions for gradually channelling, rhythmic and sublimated the stimuli of testosterone, thus contributing to a slow and difficult domestication of the male beast, or should we hold them to the rigor of having added morality to the hormone, making the compulsive aggressor even more dangerous than life? »
Régis Debray
The Sacred Fire
Régis Debray
The Sacred Fire
« You can always create a Council or a Parliament by a treaty but you do not create a European people by decree. Putting parliament before the people was putting the cart in front of the oxen. Europe united as a political actor died of his beautiful death, as Valery had foreshadowed in his time, with his dazzling lucidity. Europe as a strategic entity never originated because it did not give itself a border, a doctrine, an autonomous army and a chain of command that would not end up, like NATO, in the Oval Office. Military manoeuvres in France are done in English, in the operational standards of the Pentagon. It remains to save an incomparable cultural singularity, this contradictory mixture, I take the words of Valery, of four virtues, imagination, trust, critical mind and skepticism, but this also expires before our eyes, carried away and rolled by the mainstream across the Atlantic. »
Régis Debray
Bankruptcy balance sheet
Régis Debray
Bankruptcy balance sheet
« ... Hence the result of a service-providing state, which has users and not citizens, both enlarged and hollowed out, omnipresent in its grips, evanescent in its values, and which, by the very means that it has given up, legislates in turn. This teller, everyone asks for it, no one respects him. It owes me all repairs for cold, hot, dry and wet, etc.); I don't owe him anything (except VAT, ticket and taxes). Our 'human rights' monolâtry - where the ever-plus reigns - has cut them off from their reciprocal, 'the duties of the citizen' - where the less and less reigns. .... »
Régis Debray
What the veil veils us
Régis Debray
What the veil veils us
Or let yourself be tempted by the...
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