Quotations from Régis Debray in the English language
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Here are some well-known quotes from Régis Debray, updated on Tuesday, May 14, 2024.
« School is not a reflection of society. It is an apprenticeship in social inadequacy. It is there to take us out of the family, out of heredity, to become all equal before knowledge. (p.108-109). »
Régis Debray
Summer interviews
Régis Debray
Summer interviews
« (Art, Crafts Anchored in the Earth, 214-215, Chapter 7, Geography of Art) The artist is a dung beetle, he has his feet in the pagus and his hand to the dough. Everything that is crafted in representation sticks to the earth, with its tombs, its landmarks, its territories. To the countryside. French, Italian, Flamingo, etc., it is French "country," Flemish Italian, etc. Like spirituality, all art is local: it expresses, more often without its knowledge, the genius of a place crystallized in a certain light, in colors, in tones, in tactile values. The pictorial work itself, which should be written pictrural, is part of "works and days". Van Gogh: "The symbol of St Luke, the patron saint of painters, is an ox. So you have to be patient like an ox if you want to plow into the artistic field. » `...` The man in a hurry of the megacities loathe the farming patiences of ploughing. Speed, laziness, rhyme is good. Let us not be surprised tomorrow if "a world without peasants" becomes "a world without art". The hinterlands and the avant-garde were perhaps more united than we thought. Ubiquity of information, dematerialization of media, sliding vehicles, summoning all things on screen. Above-ground agriculture, like a language without words, a paperless currency and a golf without green find in the synthetic image its optical complement. The digitized visual is too international to have a country soul: it is both planetary and "acosmic". »
Régis Debray
Life and death of the image
Régis Debray
Life and death of the image
« There is no civilization that is not rooted in a culture, but it does not become civilization without a fleet and ambition, a great dream and a mobile force. Pericles, in this sense, was the culture moment, and Alexander, the moment civilization of the Greek world. »
Régis Debray
Régis Debray
Or let yourself be tempted by the...
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