Quotations from Régis Debray in the English language
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Here are some well-known quotes from Régis Debray, updated on Tuesday, May 14, 2024.
« It is recently that the Republic has taken on its current and precise sense of political association based on the free adherence of people to a shared ideal. »
Régis Debray
The Republic explained to my daughter
Régis Debray
The Republic explained to my daughter
« Put at the service of the regime, in totalitarian society, then of the market, in a consumerist society, professional sport runs the slot machine, like another cog in the ambient religion of salvation by the "tune". »
Régis Debray
The miscalculation
Régis Debray
The miscalculation
« October 1967. Twenty-two hatched. Seven Cubans, two of them seriously injured. Seven Bolivians, three of whom are sick. One cries with thirst. Two Peruvians, one of whom is disabled. Ghosts in rags, to scare. Dogs bark at them, on all sides. We're running away from these plagues. The column of sleepwalkers tips through the almost empty hamlets. One night, she even camped between two villages five kilometres apart, in the middle of the road, without any precaution. Che goes in front of the peasants. He runs after them, talks to them, identifies himself, knowing that, as soon as his back is turned, they will denounce him. Thus the Bolivian army follows their movement almost in real time. He multiplies the carelessness. He did not want to get rid of his mules, which delay his march. It is not that his will has faltered: he applies it to do whatever it takes to finish it cleanly and quickly. He lets go, walks straight in front of him, denying the obvious. »
Régis Debray
Praised be our lords
Régis Debray
Praised be our lords
Or let yourself be tempted by the...
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