Quotations from Régis Debray in the English language
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Here are some well-known quotes from Régis Debray, updated on Sunday, May 5, 2024.
« For a millennium, the moral man asked himself, "Where am I with God?" Then, from the Renaissance: "Where am I with my fellows?" And today, "where do I stand with the animals?" The Westerner sought himself in Heaven; he sought himself in his fellow man; he is now looking for himself in the chimpanzee - at the risk of finding himself there. We move from a spiritual condition to a natural condition. The first, as drunk by the second. »
Régis Debray
The Green Century
Régis Debray
The Green Century
« Since the world is world, it takes nine months to make a child, two years for a resistance network, ten for a political party and thirty for a revolution. Since the world is world, it takes and it takes a second to kill a human being, one minute to destroy a network, one day to reverse a revolution. `...` What happens is that happiness takes its time and that misfortune goes fast. What happens all at once is not life, it is the accident. As a matter of principle, we must be wary of this. poker and lightning have never brought happiness to anyone. »
Régis Debray
Régis Debray
« First stage: 1866, the birth of a scientific discipline (Haekel's Ekology) and a science does not make the moral. Second stage, 1968: transformation of a science into an ideology, symbol of a rebellious and protesting counterculture. Third stage, 2000s, transformation of a counterculture into official dogma, and a discipline guard-crazy in litany hide-and-seek. One could continue the asymptote of reversals, given the disconcerting ease of correcting an injustice to produce a second, the Gospel of Beatitudes to give birth to the Inquisition, and an egalitarian Marxism, of the convicts in Siberia. Theocracy, Ideocraty and tomorrow Biocratie? This is no reason to evade the imperative recognition of common goods to be protected. It is one, at most, to ask whether a "planet emergency" could some day release a Bioregion where a high committee of experts, flanked by men with a grip, would come to proclaim: "Time is running out. Enough procrastination. We're going to tighten your screws to save your life. If the Earth does not lie, humans are full of turpitudes, and we must put an end to these lies that have hurt us so much and lead us to the abyss. Farewell to the friendly Bisounours and neo-rurals. Get to work." We would then go from the call for help to the organization of the rescue, with the safe control of the rescued. Garbage inspection brigades, incarceration of hunters, smokers and refractories, forced sterilization campaigns. One child and one per couple does not spontaneously come to the idea of mothers, only an authoritarian and police state could enforce the Malthusian rules imposed by climate distress putting the knife under the throats of the survivors. »
Régis Debray
The Green Century
Régis Debray
The Green Century
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