Quotations from Régis Debray in the English language
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Here are some well-known quotes from Régis Debray, updated on Sunday, May 5, 2024.
« The dialogue of cultures being made of misunderstandings, an analytical philosopher of Anglo-Saxon inspiration can persuade himself to be finished with a religion for having demonstrated the inanity of his system of evidence. There will come a day when a Shia in Turbane will feel that he is done with logical positivism because he has signalled the inanity of his system of mutual aid. Of these quiproquos, the best in the West is the first: to treat religions as bad philosophies. Who scoffs at the weakness of the evidence of God's existence is fixed on the tip of the iceberg, but it is the submarine that makes it float right. »
Régis Debray
The Sacred Fire
Régis Debray
The Sacred Fire
« The first image America entered history and into our hearts through the image; it has fiber optics. Europe in history and our brains through writings; it has fiber optics. The heroes of the New World do not smell ink or turpentine. They're on film. Buffalo Bill was not distinguished by his autobiography, but not his exhibitions. We don't know of any political essays by Franklin Roosevelt. President Kennedy did not leave a newspaper or correspondence; and let's not talk about his successors. Remove de Gaulle's war memoirs and Napoleon's Memorial, the myth will be incomplete, and the transfiguration lame. Take Jean Gabin and Michèle Morgan from the Popular Front France, from America from the new Frontier, you cut off his legs. An album, to take it all, could sum up the American century in a hundred photos (including a good third of stars); an anthology, 20th century Europe in one hundred texts (including a good third of poems, manifestos or short stories). The first of the legendary photos can be found, and in the second one is illustrated texts. The author of the album will have seen in video library, the author of the anthology compulsively in the library. The line is hardened, for sure, but the exclusion of Europe would have been impossible without that of culture written by visual culture. Cinema has created the United States, for which it is much more than a means of influence. This is the origin of their power. Trump, like Reagan, is the sheriff of the film. John Wayne at the controls. »
Régis Debray
Régis Debray
« Wouldn't our demystification of lure itself be a decoy of placing a seal of atheism on our idealistic vision of "ideology" - as a mere sweetener, naïve transvestification or false perception? »
Régis Debray
The Sacred Fire
Régis Debray
The Sacred Fire
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