Quotations from Régis Debray in the English language
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Here are some well-known quotes from Régis Debray, updated on Tuesday, May 14, 2024.
« It was sinful out of optimism: politicians are on a daily basis; the great man, once a century, and when the little one is late on the way, a rabbit is put on him. »
Régis Debray
Mrs. H.
Régis Debray
Mrs. H.
« You have to be naïve as an Englishman to imagine that Wellington won the Battle of Waterloo. With his "dreary plain", it was Victor Hugo who cleaned up the ground, and Cambronne, the affront. Gamelin against Rommel, useless, we are not big. Elected against Goebbels, let's go, it's tenable. Alexandrian, our high land, doesn't lie. Why envy the recurrent supremacy of the Teuton, this frustrated and heavy being with a shaved neck, if the hairy Asterix can always come out of its trunk a bugle with a brilliant zigoto to run after him. Or an accordion, for Belleville's piafs. Let's leave Berlin with finances, steel and machine tools. Let's keep the Mumm red cord, the rhyme to Jermadeth and the pirouettes titles. The rhyme will win. »
Régis Debray
Mrs. H.
Régis Debray
Mrs. H.
« At an age when clampin is normally intended for "disruption of all senses," "lightning skies," "dazzled snow" and "hair of the handles," I swore in petto to give priority to the defence of the territory. We missed the great lady, we had to fix it. And since the Frenchman loses the first round because he is no longer strong (the battle of the Marne having pumped the reserves of energy), but wins the second because he keeps the shape, my line Maginot would be in verse, but this time it would hold. »
Régis Debray
Mrs. H.
Régis Debray
Mrs. H.
Or let yourself be tempted by the...
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