Quotations from Régis Debray in the English language
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Here are some well-known quotes from Régis Debray, updated on Tuesday, May 14, 2024.
« It is because he remembers the past that a revolutionary wants a future that somehow equals the more or less legendary past he has in mind. The curator recognizes himself that he has no nostalgia. (p.11). »
Régis Debray
Summer interviews
Régis Debray
Summer interviews
« the Unesco charter says the truth when it states that "conflicts originate in the human mind", but it is doubtful that "the solution of the absurd conflicts that tear us apart" lies in the abandonment, via education and culture, of a mortal irrationality (ideologies and prejudices), to the benefit of a reality without any addition to which knowledge for all would give us access tomorrow. »
Régis Debray
The Sacred Fire
Régis Debray
The Sacred Fire
« We have populated our valleys with nymphs and muses, and we are scripting our environment. We burn our initials on shale, sanctrate mountains and rivers, and a simple spring in limestone country is immediately a source of miraculous waters and mother of all life. It is our way of domesticating space and time - by coating it with unreality. And when we believe we are coming out of a mythology to touch the real - at last - we have swapped a myth whose harmfulness we have just discovered (the war of races, the superiority of our nations over its neighbors or the advent of the world proletariat), against another (saving democracy, the emancipatory West, the universal reign of human rights), which seems to us to be common sense. , especially as it is suitable for today's business. »
Régis Debray
The Sacred Fire
Régis Debray
The Sacred Fire
Or let yourself be tempted by the...
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