Quotations from Laurent Obertone in the English language
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Here are some well-known quotes from Laurent Obertone, updated on Sunday, May 5, 2024.
« There's a fatality in there, something mythological, biblical. The Devil is a fallen archangel. A gentle dreamer reminded of the constraints of reality. You wanted heaven, but they didn't give you a choice. You were not the kind of man to stay on Earth. You have the pride of Icarus, and the pride of Satan. You touched the sun and now we want to cut off your wings and throw you on Earth. Very well. You'd rather rule hell than serve heaven. »
Laurent Obertone
The Devil of Heaven
Laurent Obertone
The Devil of Heaven
« Freedom needs men, equality of police officers. "When your fervor goes out, you make the empire last with your gendarmes," saint-Exupéry wrote. But if the gendarmes alone can save it, it is because the empire is already dead. »
Laurent Obertone
France banned
Laurent Obertone
France banned
« In 2014, France spent 34.3% of its GDP on social protection. That is 2849 billion euros, i.e. almost 43,000 euros per year per capita. This is the OECD's all-time record. By comparison, the average income of the French that year was 26,700 euros (Dares, 2017). Unsurprisingly, according to the OECD, France is the champion of tax revenues - 45.22% of GDP in 2015, twice the tax pressure of the United States - and in particular social contributions (16.7% of GDP in 2016). It has also been the "champion of public spending" for several years, with 57.7% of its GDP in 2015, far ahead of all other European states (Les Echos, 18/08/2017) »
Laurent Obertone
France banned
Laurent Obertone
France banned
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