Quotations from Laurent Obertone in the English language
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Here are some well-known quotes from Laurent Obertone, updated on Tuesday, May 14, 2024.
« Why are journalists almost all left-wing, or to the extreme rigour of a centre-right terrorized by the excommunications of the left? Because journalists recruit each other. To enter a journalism school, you must have the profile, that is to say exist in their moral competition, be (re)known to their network. A journalist will be recruited by journalists, trained by journalists, led by journalists, supervised by journalists, appointed by journalists, graduated by journalists, hired by journalists, fired by journalists and eventually slandered and destroyed by journalists. Unless he disguises his thoughts, he will not integrate any network, will not benefit from any "help", will be condemned to stagnation. This ideological cleansing, which he naively believed would eventually fade, will follow him for the rest of his life. »
Laurent Obertone
France mechanical orange
Laurent Obertone
France mechanical orange
« They would like me to apologize, to be remorseful. It's a call to lie. In court, only sincere people are heavily convicted. Doubt benefits the accused. Lies benefit from doubt... »
Laurent Obertone
Laurent Obertone
« "Hold on tight, in 100 years of driving, you will have an average of six accidents, and one in a hundred chances to pass. Place a hundred papers in an urn, draw lots: one of them is your death certificate in a road accident. For a centenarian's life, it's tempting, isn't it? By comparison, tobacco would represent ten death certificates in our urn. The risk of you committing suicide is three times greater. The risk of you being raped "is ten times greater... Do you think the government's anti-rape policy is sufficient? And don't conclude that staying on your couch is safer than getting behind the wheel: according to a study published in July 2012 in the British medical journal The Lancet, one in ten people dies of physical inactivity. Excerpt from: Laurent, OBERTONE. "The mechanical orange France. »
Laurent Obertone
France mechanical orange
Laurent Obertone
France mechanical orange
Or let yourself be tempted by the...
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