Quotations from Laurent Obertone in the English language
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Here are some well-known quotes from Laurent Obertone, updated on Sunday, May 5, 2024.
« According to my estimates, twelve murders would be enough to make noise in Norway. More than fifty would allow me to reach the whole of Europe. I've painted a picture of the traitors to be slaughtered. p.327 »
Laurent Obertone
Laurent Obertone
« Our society condemns innocent people to death because it refuses to sentence the guilty to life. »
Laurent Obertone
France mechanical orange
Laurent Obertone
France mechanical orange
« If women want to give their children more time, they are willing to give up some of their income. From there, wage comparisons don't mean anything anymore. Men, obsessed with their status, don't care about working overtime, having to move to a less attractive setting, seeing their children less, spending weeks or months away from home, enduring lack of comfort, physical danger and increased pressure at work. In France, it is often claimed that the difference in gender pay is 25-30% of gross salary. Except that if you eliminate career preferences and align working hours, the gap becomes marginal (between 2 and 8%). And what we never say, at the same age and sector, is that men's productivity is higher. According to INSEE, full-time worked an average of 56 hours compared to 51 hours for women (8.9%). In all areas, they work more and their hourly productivity is higher (INSEE, 2004). "If there is discrimination, it is very low," admits economist Cécile Philippe ("Les Echos," June 28, 2011). For the record, the women who are the lowest paid compared to men are the leaders who set their own wages. (Ch. V THE CAMP OF SEINS p. 190-191) »
Laurent Obertone
France's Big Brother
Laurent Obertone
France's Big Brother
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