Quotations from Laurent Obertone in the English language
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Here are some well-known quotes from Laurent Obertone, updated on Tuesday, May 14, 2024.
« Anti-racism is a religion. `...` The little whites have just lost their favorite totem. Mandela, the terrorist saviour canonized on the remnants of his depleted nation, was not himself a deceitful man; before he was a good prisoner and a bad president, he was just a stranger fighting for his power. The thousands of little martyred whites who have made him their God are the deceivers. It's rude as good and evil, reward and punishment, Manichaean as a BHL preacher, and that's why it works. Knowledge and reality are superfluous data. (Ch. IV JOURNALITRISM p. 160-161) »
Laurent Obertone
France's Big Brother
Laurent Obertone
France's Big Brother
« I grant you, they `journalists` have never learned subtlety. Still, you don't see anything of the huge manipulations you're subjected to. The Syrian al-Assad is elected in the middle of civil war, it is a worthless election, a sham, a provocation. The Ukrainian Poroshenko is elected in the midst of civil war, it is regulatory, democratic, universal and valid. The secession of Crimea is a travesty of a plebiscite, a horrible quasi-Hitlerian interference. In Kosovo, the people have determined themselves in a free and legitimate way. (Ch. IV JOURNALITRISM p. 153) »
Laurent Obertone
France's Big Brother
Laurent Obertone
France's Big Brother
« We have ensured that, unlike all of our other members, journalists do not have to justify themselves to anything, especially not what they spend or what they earn. There are rules of living: you don't ask a lady her age, you don't ask a journalist for her salary. Hundreds of thousands of euros per year (some for some, like Michel Denisot) for the presidents and directors of the major media, SERVICE PUBLIC INCLUS. For their only daily performance at the "Grand Journal", columnists (for example, Jean-Michel Aphatie and Natacha Polony) and other comedians earn around 40,000 euros a month. Yann Barthès receives 30,000 euros a month just to humiliate grannies at the "Little Newspaper" (not to mention his lucrative production activity). With its 7,400 euros gross monthly, Trotskyist solidarity obliges, Plenel is a small player. At France Télévisions, no one is under 5,000 euros. `...` You understand why they are so attached to our regime, to our system, to this Republic. (Ch. IV JOURNALITRISM p. 139-140) »
Laurent Obertone
France's Big Brother
Laurent Obertone
France's Big Brother
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