Quotations from Laurent Obertone in the English language
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Here are some well-known quotes from Laurent Obertone, updated on Sunday, May 5, 2024.
« Plenel is a good element because he has never distinguished between career and imagination, between profession and activism. His articles illustrate this perfectly: either flogging and grandiloquence, or attack and outrage. `...` Plenel at heart, is enough for himself, he who humbly considers himself a "myth" (Pean and Cohen) `...` His line? All the more conventional. Plenel, a fan of Villepin and Che, eternal companion of the LCR, the League of Human Rights, Licra, `...` for whom Trotskyism "is forever part of `its` identity", for whom "it is a huge chance to be the first Muslim country in Europe" (RMC, September 15, 2014). That says it all: he is exactly what a good member of the Party should be. (Ch. IV JOURNALITRISM p. 134-135) »
Laurent Obertone
France's Big Brother
Laurent Obertone
France's Big Brother
« The illusion of discrimination offers the most foolish the benefit of the doubt. "I am not a fool, I am the victim of an unjust society." We have an interest in flattering the fools — there are many of them - by offering them what they persuade themselves to deserve, by doing everything to erase their incompetence and by explaining to them that the last will be the first. This is precisely what National Education does. (Ch. VI AT THE DRESSAGE SCHOOL p. 239) »
Laurent Obertone
France's Big Brother
Laurent Obertone
France's Big Brother
« In order not to harm us, by alarming fools like you, it is enough to hide it. You spend more time with our information than with reality: we only have to control the information to control your reality. To this end, our media are in charge of encrypting all the embarrassing facts, to affix on the real our lines of code, our reading grid, always the same. 95% of the media are synoptic. They think the same thing, publish the same thing, and have the same source: the AFP. The media, too, are justified only by themselves. We are an element of power, if someone challenges us or asks us for justifications, we will crush it under threat, under moral authority, under the possibility of public humiliation. If necessary, we will add to our audience, our journalist, our guests, our stars, our comedians, our SPECIALISTE. (Ch. III THE TWO MINUTES OF HAINE p. 99) »
Laurent Obertone
France's Big Brother
Laurent Obertone
France's Big Brother
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