Quotations from Laurent Obertone in the English language
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Here are some well-known quotes from Laurent Obertone, updated on Sunday, May 5, 2024.
« In the fog of incense in the living room, the old clock persisted in minute-by-waiting silence. »
Laurent Obertone
Guerilla, Volume 2: The Time of the Barbarians
Laurent Obertone
Guerilla, Volume 2: The Time of the Barbarians
« Apart from the discontent and suffering of the population, what are the consequences of such insecurity for society? Le Figaro published on 4 May 2010 a study on the issue, carried out by the economist Jacques Bichot. Every year, crime and crime cost victims and the state a total of around 115 billion euros, excluding traffic offences. Of which 29 billion miscellaneous offences, 22 billion tax evasion, 14 billion computer fraud, 6.6 billion for voluntary injuries, 5.3 billion for drugs, 800 million frauds on social benefits. Burned cars alone cost $1.5 billion. The total cost of delinquency and crime represents 5.6% of GDP. As economist Jacques Bichot pointed out, this is the equivalent of twice the total income tax. It should be remembered that pensions (depending on the state) or immigration (according to Gourévitch) cost about 30 billion euros per year. Would France's annual deficit be one if insecurity were reduced to its post-war rate? The answer is clear: our country would simply not be in debt. »
Laurent Obertone
France mechanical orange
Laurent Obertone
France mechanical orange
« We (Big Brother) broadcast our propaganda while funding its support. And you remain convinced that the press is the guarantor of democracy. (page 139) »
Laurent Obertone
France's Big Brother
Laurent Obertone
France's Big Brother
Or let yourself be tempted by the...
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