Quotations from Valentin Auwercx in the English language
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Here are some well-known quotes from Valentin Auwercx, updated on Tuesday, May 14, 2024.
« When Man vomited his daily life on the planet, he did not see the direct impact of his gesture. Any individual showed his denial of consciousness from the first hour of a day. He would get up, turn on his nuclear light, stay 20 minutes in the shower, because it wakes up and relaxes, puts on his 5th pants of the week, his 8th T-shirt while he was only on Thursday, used animal torture cosmetics, swallowed a glass of orange juice pressed on the other side of the world, compacted in plastic that will end up on the 7th continent , ate only half a spread covered with a chocolate flavor deforestation of mass, wore sneakers made by orphans paid with peanuts, on the other side of the oceans, huddled in a refined oil mantle and climbed into his car smoking CO2. Everyone was doing this kind of thing, but everyone was just a little self who wasn't responsible. They were billions of little me, by participating in this universal denial, all followed each other towards the end of the world —whatever it was. »
Valentin Auwercx
Tomorrow, Men
Valentin Auwercx
Tomorrow, Men
« Charly's gaze ran through the heavenly vault, which remained timid because of the light pollution. For him, the sky had only about fifty stars, he had never seen more and did not suspect for a moment that global urbanization concealed the vastness and beauty of the universe. »
Valentin Auwercx
Tomorrow, Men
Valentin Auwercx
Tomorrow, Men
« As I speak to you, yesterday is already far away, today has become tomorrow. We have opened the door to another future called the internet. He looked bold, radiant, but he turned out to be vicious. We are now all connected, but with our eyes down, dumb of all humanity. Knowing being too easy to take, dumbing us down has become a way of learning. Anger is no longer just a comment, there is no more action, so no reaction. Dignity is bought, lies are sold, and self-centeredness is quantified. We dress up as pixels to escape the reality we're trashing. We live virtually to the point of forgetting that we are mortal. It's sad, we get dehuthized step by step, but still we keep walking. So, please, help me. What is life? Because everyone seems to have forgotten it... »
Valentin Auwercx
Tomorrow, Men
Valentin Auwercx
Tomorrow, Men
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