Quotations from Jean-Bertrand Pontalis in the English language
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Here are some well-known quotes from Jean-Bertrand Pontalis, updated on Tuesday, May 14, 2024.
« Memory is misleading, he knows it, it invents even though it is convinced to reproduce; the line between imagination and reality is so tenuous that it becomes imperceptible and that he, the novelist, must ignore it. »
Jean-Bertrand Pontalis
Brother of the previous
Jean-Bertrand Pontalis
Brother of the previous
« First, I lived outside my family where, as in any family, there was a secret law of silence. Not that we were particularly reserved - we even had our volubles - but everything that is transmitted loudly among his own, everything that ties them together, attaches them to each other, hatred or love, resentment, malaise, cannot be said. A child perceives this more strongly than an adult. And would she succeed in admitting, all this passion, that the effect, as we see later in couples eager for transparency, would be null and void. Only the unspoken cements the life of families, a life that does not move. »
Jean-Bertrand Pontalis
The love of beginnings
Jean-Bertrand Pontalis
The love of beginnings
« At the beginning, there is indeed a relationship of reciprocal interlocking between psychoanalysis and literature. Remember: the case stories of the Hysteria Studies that Freud worries about "reading like novels", the Scientific Psychology Project thrown on paper like a poem in creative fever, a little crazy, that we know, the "analysis" with Fliess in the form of exchanged letters, the dream stories of the Traumdeutung with what they suppose to be written , Oedipus tragedy before being complex, Hamlet, the Gravida, the identification to Goethe - Poetry and Truth -, to Moses - the Tables of the Law ... The review would be endless. »
Jean-Bertrand Pontalis
Central Laboratory: Interviews, 1970-2012
Jean-Bertrand Pontalis
Central Laboratory: Interviews, 1970-2012
Or let yourself be tempted by the...
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