Quotations from Donald W. Winnicott in the English language
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Here are some well-known quotes from Donald W. Winnicott, updated on Tuesday, May 14, 2024.
« `Origin of antisocial trend` This is where what takes hold of the child begins whenever he feels a sense of hope; he is then compulsively pushed into an antisocial activity until someone acknowledges the environmental failure and tries to remedy it. In the child's story, a bankruptcy has actually taken place and there has really been a significant misapuitable adjustment to his basic needs. The irony is that the child who is forced to constantly demonstrate this claim to society is taxed for ill-fitting. »
Donald W. Winnicott
Maturation process in children
Donald W. Winnicott
Maturation process in children
« What is a normal child? One who eats, grows and smiles softly? No. The normal child, if he trusts his mother and father, does everything he can in every way. Over time, he tries his power to disturb, destroy, frighten, tire, annoy, waste, appropriate, etc. In the beginning he absolutely needs to live in a circle of love and strength (with inherent tolerance) if he does not want to be too afraid of his own thoughts and imagination to progress in his emotional development. »
Donald W. Winnicott
The child and his family
Donald W. Winnicott
The child and his family
« The separation of a child between one and two years of age from his mother (when it exceeds the child's ability to keep his or her representation alive) is the cause of a condition that may later manifest itself as an antisocial tendency. The internal development of this process is complex. In any event, the continuity of the child's objectal relationships was interrupted and development hindered. When the child tries to go back to fill that void, it is theft. »
Donald W. Winnicott
Maturation process in children
Donald W. Winnicott
Maturation process in children
Or let yourself be tempted by the...
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